Please note, in-person programs have been suspended until it is much safer to gather in groups. To find current online programs click HERE
Searching for a way that will help you to feel more confident and connected? This joyful workshop will introduce you to the visionary ways of the shaman! Shamanic journeying is a powerful skill used by our earliest ancestors to access wisdom beyond the range of ordinary senses. This most ancient of practices offers a way to solve today’s challenges and will have you feeling more fulfilled, self-assured and lively! You will also learn how to use this method to effectively gain guidance, insight and healing for yourself and others. Journeying to the shamanic Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds will be covered as well as other classic shamanic experiences. This workshop is an excellent way to either begin or renew a conscious relationship with Spirit!
No prerequisite. Shamanic Journey Process is an introductory workshop. The ability to journey is necessary for most of the Spirit Passages workshops.
Interested in this workshop?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Scroll down for programs designed to expand your experience with shamanism!
Nepal Shamanic Summit 2020
October 1-4, 2020.
This summit is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join Shamans from all seven provinces of Nepal, and from around the world in Celebration, Conference and Ceremony.
Meet and Learn from authentic practitioners of indigenous knowledge.
Anyone interested in shamanism, animism and earth-related spirituality is welcome to participate alongside tradition carriers, lineage holders, elders and communities.
Healing sessions with active participation from the public and ceremonies performed by elders and shamans of several traditions.
Shamanism is a spiritual tradition that has been practiced around the world for tens of thousands of years. It is not only the most ancient earth tradition, but it also offers the most inclusive and diverse teachings, embodying wisdom from all lineages, and from all parts of the world.
Fundamental to knowing what shamanism is, is also recognizing that the only way to truly understand the teachings is through your own participation and experience, as the nature of shamanism, is entirely experiential.
It is for this reason, that we invite you to attend and to participate in this momentous event. During this gathering, you will have the opportunity to receive empowerment and teachings from Shamans from all over the world — from the Himalayas to the Andes, from Oceania to Alaska, and much, much more.
Whatever your core passion and path may be, this Shamanic Summit will give you access to some of today’s most profound shamans, teachers and healers. Presenters will not only share traditional Indigenous practices, but will also impart a new paradigm of teachings that integrate time-tested wisdom with more contemporary psychology and spiritual systems.
Although each tradition may be radically different, you will discover, that they have all emerged out of shared core principles and practices that are truly universal and adaptable to modern times.
So whatever your interests may be, there will be much opportunity to learn from different shamans and witness first-hand their unique set of teachings and practices. Some shamans work with guardian beings and subtle realms, others use sound technologies, such as Dhyangro-drums, rattles, and bells. Some are immersed in visioning, dreaming, and journeying for guidance and healing, while others emphasize the power of communal group rituals. Some access healing through plant medicines, while others have relationships with plants that focus more on offering herbal remedies for disease. The program is wide-ranging and is scheduled to also include fire-walking, shamanic dances, ethnic music and dances, sacred ceremonies, rituals, talks, etc.
Diversity is one of the most exciting and fascinating aspects of accessing this ancient wisdom — as is the ability to reconnect through so many gateways into a deeper relationship with the self, plants, animals, other human beings, and other levels of consciousness.
By incorporating diverse earth traditions, ancient practices, sacred rituals, and maintaining a profound relationship with the ancestors, Shamanism can help cultivate spiritual alignment, abundance, and a natural sense of deep interconnection with the whole universe.
Shamanism is one of the most deep-rooted spiritual traditions for awakening, healing, and transformation of self and all that surrounds. It brings us home to our highest luminous self and supports all of humanity to transform self-defeating patterns, ancestral wounds, traumas, fears and a sense of separation, into a soul-calibrated, integrated way of living.
Shamans have always been activists, performing rituals, as well as taking concrete actions to help support health, balance, harmony, and wholeness. There has been no better time to learn new ways of being, to fill our hearts with passion, and to live our lives with the the greater purpose of making the earth safe, healthy, and harmonious for all beings.
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend this historic event, as we extend to you this loving welcome to Nepal. Please join us October 1-4, 2020 and receive empowerment and teachings from master Shamans and global tradition keepers. Learn how to apply their practices and ancient wisdom to the betterment of your day-to-day life and for the enrichment of our communities and future generations.
Reserve your place now by emailing: OR
(Northern Europan shamanism programs are listed BELOW these workshops.)
Join us for a joyful, one-day workshop where we go into the “Radiant Fabric of Infinite Vibrations” to experience the light that shines behind all of reality! With that experience we can more forward feeling and being more empowered!
(Saturday 10am-5pm)
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
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Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
The Norse seeress, Gullveig is the giant who was speared and burned three times but was resurrected and so gained her great powers.
This dark, and powerful aspect of the divine feminine stands at the core of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. She is the shaman who midwifes “regeneration through dissolution” by intentional spiritual dismemberment. These are powerful journeys where you are taken apart to be rebuilt in a new and stronger way by the spirits.
This is a weekend of clearing away what holds you back from your most fearless, radiant and vital self.
It is time to be transformed!
(Saturday & Sunday 10am-4pm)
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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“Renewal Down to the Bones was just what I needed! Evelyn and Allie know how to read the signs and deliver straight to the heart. With their gentle guidance in a safe environment, the participants were able to connect with their own teachers and delve into the depths of what needed to be released and renewed. Thank you, once again, for this powerful workshop!” ~ Kathy M, Wells, Maine
“Evelyn Rysdyk and Allie Knowlton weave together wisdom and compassion in their work as shamanic healers and teachers. I am grateful to them.” ~Jennifer Barker
“The dismemberment workshop was a deep dive into karmic issues. Evelyn and Allie provided a safe way to explore and discard the dark side of family history. An amazing experience. Let’s do it again soon!” ~AVP, Stamford, CT
(One day program)
Ceremonies involve the entire being. As such, it has always been a powerful tool used by shamans to transform the self, and the world around us. In this program, we will look at how ceremony works, how to create powerful ceremonies, how ceremonial actions cooperate with the continuous creative action of the cosmos, and how you can use ceremonies to change how you think and feel.
During our time together you will experience:
• How ceremony can be used to reprogram your outmoded or counterproductive beliefs
• How to use ceremony to bridge the intangible nature of the spirit and the physical world
• How simple shamanic offering ceremonies can support actualizing transformation
This experiential one-day workshop is designed to support you to work the threads of reality to transform yourself and the world around you.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
(Residential, weekend intensive)
This all-inclusive, residential retreat weekend will provide you with opportunities to experience rituals of personal healing, perform Earth-restoring rituals from Nepal and other traditions, enjoy a deeper immersion into earth-honoring shamanic work, and perform an optional, evening of sitting out in a nature communion/quest. This retreat will be held on the safe and sacred lakeside land in Maine that is the site of our long-term trainings.(Thursday Supper – Sunday 4pm)
All inclusive, tuition, meals and shared room: $679.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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Interested in this program?
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For as long as time remembers, shamans have worked to negotiate life-giving harmony in the world.
They have always taken concrete actions to make their surroundings better and safer for all beings. Indeed, shamanic work is the work of transformation. While our living situations have changed a great deal over the millennia, the shaman’s role remains the same. However, now we find ourselves at a juncture when achieving balance, harmony and a restoration of our collective soul has never been more critical or urgent.
This experiential workshop is designed to support you to be a force for healing and balance in your own life as you harness your power to take actions to preserve the health and wellbeing of our collective soul. We will also focus on how you can maintain your mental and emotional strength during these stressful times.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Your intrinsic human creativity allows you to innovate fresh ideas, solve problems and generate new possibilities. You don’t have to be a painter, writer or musician to be creative—you came into this life with that as part of your “original software!”
This experiential workshop is designed to unlock the fullness of your dormant potential that may have been suppressed or diminished over the course of your life–and also to support those who already consider themselves to be “creative” to unleash more of that remarkable power!
Through journeywork, rituals and exercises, you will learn how to turn on your creative juices!
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
(Special note: Evelyn offers ongoing individual sessions to mentor you through your creative projects. She has over 40 years experience working as an artist and near 20 years of that time working with authors of both fiction and non-fiction. Those sessions may be booked by calling our appointment line: 207-714-0111.)
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“[This workshop] was beyond useful to life-changing! I’ve already started using what I’ve learned.” -Diane, Portland, Maine.
“This is a fantastic workshop!! Do it again! The message about decoupling the process of creativity/inspiration from the product is HUGE!!” -Joanna, Westbrook, Maine.
“This [workshop] would be great as a longer residential program!” -Anonymous.
As you grow as a spiritual being, you become a bright space in the world. Much like a the way a porch light on a Summer evening draws a multitude of insects, your brightness can be very attractive to intrusive spiritual energies and entities. These energies can disrupt your natural life force resulting in a loss of your strength and vitality. As you become weaker you can become more vulnerable to intrusion and in extreme circumstances, these unbeneficial entities can even cause disease.
In this experiential weekend, you will learn how to clear yourself of unwanted energies and also learn forms of “spiritual hygiene” to keep you and your living space clear.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Just as storms beneficially stir our planet’s atmosphere to create the optimal conditions to sustain life, so too working with wild and powerful spirits are an essential aspect of a shaman’s role in supporting harmony.
Those spirits that we may perceive as “wrathful,” “dark” or “untamed,” are often the best at clearing away stuck energies, supporting a stronger life force, reinforcing intentionality and getting processes moving that may have become stuck.
This experiential workshop will introduce you to ways of working with the wilder side of the spirit world!
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
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Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Shamans have always needed to be in harmonious relationships with “others” that inhabit the environment. The shaman’s way of relating includes maintaining inner balance, encouraging the energies of love, developing an attitude of harmonious give-and-take and practicing Reverent Participatory Relationship. These same tools are the keys to creating and nurturing healthy, long-lasting intimate relationships between couples as well as making relationships with friends, family members and even work mates more effective and joyful.
This experiential workshop is rooted in thousands of years of shamanic practices and Evelyn and Allie’s over five decades of combined experience supporting healthy relationships.
Through safe, experiential exercises, presented material and dialog, you will learn:
• The practice of Reverent Participatory Relationship
• Eliminating connection interference
• How to be more emotionally resilient
• How to recognize and get unstuck from patterns
• Learning how partnership can create power
• New tools for communication
• How passion is an aspect of spirituality
• How to use sacred ritual in relationships
Individuals and couples of any sexual orientation are welcome. This workshop is also appropriate for helping professionals who work with couples.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. It is recommended that participants read Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power before the weekend.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
“What I most love, is what you teach aligns with how you live your life. – …in that, there is conscious realism that deeply touches & imprints your students in a most grateful and sustaining way.” -Kathleen M.
Our ancient ancestors knew that we live in a holographic Multiverse that is filled with endless, remarkable possibilities, and that Time is dynamic, fluid and composed of many parallel streams. The ancestors also knew about a hidden and misunderstood, “inner technology” that allows us to choose the reality we want to follow. Their prophesies foretold a time when some of us would choose to awaken our capabilities as co-creators and use our abilities to shift time streams to a positive future for ourselves and humanity. That time is NOW!
Your unconscious, limiting beliefs that provoke feelings of fear or powerlessness are illusions–misperceptions that can be finally transformed through learning how to use this amazing “inner technology.” A very small number of people using this marvelous wisdom can change the world for the better.
Using references that range from ancient stories to cutting-edge quantum physics–you will learn the hands-on steps to becoming one of the prophesied, co-creators we’ve been waiting for!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
What participants are saying about this inspiring program:
“…this is going to knock your socks off!”
“…one of the very best personal growth seminars I have attended.”
“..I left filled with a greater…sense of hope than I’ve experienced in quite a while.”
“…the workshop shifted my perspective in an amazing way….”
“…endless possibilities and infinite…energy has become a reality…”
“…I no longer feel helpless and hopeless.”
“Caution, this is Life Changing Material!”
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
“Thank you very much for sharing your teachings and creating a space that encourages connectivity with cosmos and the inner healer inside us all…I feel very inspired to live in a more open-hearted way…” -Laurie B-K., San Francisco
This experiential workshop we will be exploring the uses of the phurba or kilaya–a magical dagger used all across the mystical Himalayan Mountains. While the phurba is also common to Bon and Buddhist traditions, in the hands of a shaman this implement may be used for healing, grounding, blessing, creating sacred space, holding the center during a ceremony and more.
As a shaman uses a phurba, it becomes an extension of the shaman’s body –holding the powers of all three shamanic realms–while the shaman can experience him or herself as a manifestation of the phurba deity, VajraKilaya, also known as DorjePhurba. During this workshop, you will have opportunities to become the living phurba and to experience group rituals of healing. Join us for a dynamic weekend!
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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Connecting with ancestors has been proven to greatly improve intelligence and the ability to solve problems. These skills are key to being successful in ordinary life. Your ancestral connections can help you to feel stronger and more confident! Because they have shed negative perceptions as they rejoined All That Is, they can provide love, guidance and support which is more purely focused than any of your living family.
You have three lines of ancestors: Blood Ancestors, who are your physical lineage — stretching back centuries; Milk Ancestors, who are those people who have nurtured and gentled your line; and Spirit Ancestors, those loving beings, both seen and unseen to whom you feel a powerful connection. This workshop will introduce you to helpful and healing spirits in your lineage, help you to nurture connections with ancestors from each of these three lines and learn how you can access their wisdom and power for creating a more powerful life!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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“…an interesting, educational and fun workshop….myths and stories are individual cultures’ history of their beginnings, exclamations of the unknown and their being, that our ancestors passed on to the next generation by word of mouth, until someone wrote what they remembered down for new generations to study.” -A.R., New York
Shamanic traditions across the globe have preserved stories about a primordial First Shaman. Variously described as a divine being, giant or as a uniquely empowered person, this ancestral shaman is at the very foundation of the way we connect to the world of spirits. Join us as we explore the source of shamanic experience and reconnect the links in a chain that ties you to the roots of power! As you learn about this being and work with this powerful ancestor, your shamanic experiences will deepen and become more powerful!
This workshop promises to be moving, powerful and dynamic!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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In this experiential workshop, we will be sharing the teachings of the late, Ai Churek who is remembered as Tuva’s “most powerful female shaman.” You will be making protective ehrens, and learning the Tuvan way to make spirit offerings. You will also participate in consecrating a shaman tree to serve as a public “gratitude offering site” to benefit the work of Maine Audubon and if weather permits, enjoy a traditional shamanic fire ceremony. Join us for an exciting weekend!
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
“What a fantastic workshop this weekend!!! Wow, it was a particularly rich one…So thank you both so much.” -Student in CT.
Now that we have passed through the time gate foretold by our ancestors into the new world, it is time for us to live up to our amazing potential!
We are multidimensional beings who are capable of living life that is unlimited by the old definitions of time, space or previous ideas of the nature of reality. We are divine creator beings just waiting to remember our miraculous abilities.
As 21st century shamanic explorers, we can sail through the holographic Multiverse, visit other dimensions, and experiencing other time streams. Beings in dimensions beyond the Upper, Middle and Lower Worlds are available to help us transcend illusion and step into our cosmic birthright.
As we do this, we are changing the collective consciousness–making even more expansion possible.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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Awaken your remarkable ability as a conscious creator!
In this workshop you will have opportunities to create specific intentions for your dreams, how to move through impediments–releasing fears and disappointments, letting go of outcome to allow spirit to move your dream forward, working with your soul’s Big Dream, creating customized visualizations, creating rituals to engage the assistance of Spirits and how to create simple manifestation talismans.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
“Calling in my teachers, guides, as I have been taught to do by Allie and Evelyn, makes my days SO much better. My co-workers notice the difference…, even if they don’t know what I do differently….” -Dianna B.
Your shamanic ancestors understood that Time is both multidimensional and dynamic with all moments existing in a simultaneous, NOW. As a result, your “past lives” have a direct impact on your current life’s experience. Solutions you have searched for in this life may lie waiting for you in another parallel band of time! In this workshop, you’ll access your gifts and heal “past life” traumas so that you can feel more strong, confident and successful in your everyday life! (People who took this workshop nearly two decades ago, continue to experience the extraordinary power of their soul’s progress.)
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
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In this fun workshop, you will communicate with the spirits through crystal viewing, fire divination, water visioning, throwing the bones, and other techniques. Looking into the world of spirit for guidance and insight was a shaman’s skill long before the creation of tarot cards or runes! Find the answers you seek for yourself and others!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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Are you “haunted” by the feeling that someone or something is trying to get your attention? In this experiential workshop, you will learn how to determine a spirit’s intention, how to work with resident land spirits, how to negotiate with “troublesome” spirits, and how to assist those spirits of the dead that linger here in our world. You will also be introduced to classic psychopomp techniques for assisting dying persons and guiding lost souls. This workshop is highly recommended to everyone.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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“Thank you both for all the training and support…Having the ability to just create ritual that is meaningful on the spot is so deeply important to me that I’m not sure I could ever convey it in words.” -Joanna L.
This magical, experiential workshop will introduce you to the visionary, shamanic traditions of the Ulchi people of Southern Siberia. You will learn the ancient methods of guidance, insight and healing we learned from Grandfather Misha Duvan, last male shaman of the Ulchi. You will also learn about spiritual rituals of the Yakut, Evenk and Sami. These people’s rituals and beliefs provide glimpses of the widespread shamanic practices of our Paleolithic ancestors. A traditional Ulchi Bear Trance Dance ritual will be included in this workshop. (Bears have been honored in cultures across the entire north polar region as profound healers, dreamers and protective spirits. See below for a workshop focused completely on bears spirits.) As a part of this program, you will also learn to work with Spirit Houses as places to bring the power of ancestors and teachers into this reality.
Prerequisite: Working Knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. In addition, early registration is suggested so that participants may make preparations of materials which will be used in the workshop.
Interested in this program?
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Come celebrate the Spirit of Bear! The earliest painted cave in Europe — Chauvet — contained a powerful altar dedicated to the cave bear. Bears have been honored in cultures across the entire north polar region as profound healers, dreamers and protective spirits. A traditional Ulchi Bear hunt and Trance Dance ritual will be included in this workshop. Bears have been honored in cultures across the entire north polar region as profound healers, dreamers and protective spirits. Through stories, journeying, dance and other rituals, you will bring the power of Bear into your own life. This workshop is open to anyone who wants to enter into a relationship with the Spirit of Bear. And if you already work with Bear, this is a workshop not to be missed!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
You are a Milk and Spirit ancestor to an entire line of Descendants! If you have children, you are also an ancestor to a line of Blood Descendants. While you may be used to the idea of tapping the wisdom of the Ancestors, your Descendants can offer you remarkable possibilities for a future you can not begin to imagine! In this workshop, you will explore how you can be in partnership with them and together ensure a promising tomorrow for you and the Earth. Future people know ways of healing that make our most advanced medical treatments and technological advances seem primitive and even barbaric! They have the keys to help us to get back on track to create a beautiful and green planet.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
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This residential weekend will provide opportunities to delve much deeper into the shamanic mysteries of Northern Europe. Participants will follow the roots of Yggdrasil to the home of the beloved ancestors, perform seiðr on a much deeper level, learn their personal varðlok and other sacred songs, perform ritual offerings or blót, as well as have an opportunity to perform the völva’s ritual of “sitting out” or útiseta for the purposes of attaining ancestral and nature wisdom. This night-long Northern European wilderness quest would be performed on the safe and sacred land in Maine that is the site of our long-term training programs.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
The shamanic traditions of Northern Europe preserve an Earth-based spirituality that honors the magical powers of the feminine and the masculine while offering many wonderful gifts to support us in these times. In this experiential workshop, we will encounter the Old Goddesses and Gods, learn about the Northern European realms of spirit, create a set of runes, perform rune casting, experience song-supported journeys —varðlokur (VARTH-lokr) — and share in powerful group rituals. Enacting the ancient oracular ceremony known as seiðr, (SAYTH-r) we will follow the roots of the World Tree, Yggdrasil in search of prophetic wisdom. This is the introductory workshop in Northern European Shamanism that introduces you to the nine realms and the spirits who dwell in them.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. In addition, early registration is suggested so that participants may make preparations of materials which will be used in the workshop.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
“I was part of the [Oracles, Runes and Rituals workshop] this past weekend… 🙂 Thanks again for this wonderful time we all had together.” -Luc M., Vieux-Longueuil, Canada
In this workshop, you will learn how you can become one of the new, more powerful human beings envisioned by your ancestors. Northern mythic stories preserved the most intact version of this information. Utilizing what was foretold, you can become one who can dream a new dream for yourself and of the planet.
In the Northern European myths, the new human beings are the couple, “Life” —Lif, and “Eagerness for Life” — Lifthrasir. They survive the time of Great Change by following in shaman’s footsteps and entering the World Tree, Yggdrasil. There, they are made ready to emerge and begin the new world.
For many years and across many traditions, spiritual texts have suggested that our current time period will bring humankind the possibility of Great Change — a Time of Opportunity. In the spiritual traditions of Europe’s Norse/Germanic tribes, these times were defined as Ragnarok — a time to totally transform what has been know before to make way for a new birth cycle. In going through the mythic crisis, new human beings and new ideas about what/who is considered sacred will emerge. In this workshop you will learn how you can become New Life and Eagerness for Life — the New Shoots of The World Tree!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. (Having attended The Roots of Northern European Shamanism workshop is preferred but not required).
Interested in this program?
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Giants are featured in many of the world’s creation myths. The stories say that the Earth herself was created from The Void by these awesome, primordial beings. From the Greeks, to the Celts, to the Norse/Germanic peoples — our ancestors told stories of these fierce spirits that are able to create matter and manifest the physical world out of Chaos. These ancient beings are even mentioned in the Old Testament: “…there were giants in the earth in those days….”
For many cultures, the giants are considered to be the progenitors of human beings — in other words, our most ancient spiritual ancestors. In this workshop, you’ll explore connections with the Giants for the purpose of entering into a powerful and creative relationship. Joining forces with them, you can manifest a happier, healthier, and more abundant life!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. (Having attended The Roots of Northern European Shamanism workshop is preferred but not required).
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
The traumas and burdens that our ancestors experienced are often passed down to us where they may operate subconsciously to limit our lives.
In this one-day experiential workshop, you will identify and clear the emotional and spiritual burdens that diminish your power and interfere with your ability to manifest a rich life. Working with the spirits and methods that are usually accessed for the Wild Hunt, you will clear not only your being but heal the patterns in your ancestral lines. If you have ritual garb, a staff, or special sacred objects, please bring them to this powerful weekend!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process. (Having attended The Roots of Northern European Shamanism workshop is preferred but not required).
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
SPIRITUAL SUSTAINABILITY
A strong shamanic spiritual practice can uplift your life–especially during these difficult and changing times–but sometimes it’s hard to remain connected and firmly on your path. If you want to keep your forward momentum, sustain connection, focus on the positive and stay “on track” then this workshop is right for you! Join us for a day of exploring the ways you can keep your inner fire burning brightly and really BE the spirit-centered person you desire to become!
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
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Learn how to not get “slimed” in negative situations! In this experiential workshop, you will explore your personal energy system and your energetic connections to the rest of creation. You learn to clear your energy body, remove blocks, fill your “Energy Well,” and deal with energy draining people and situations. You will learn how you can more fully embody your Divine energy.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Learn how you can actually neutralize toxins inside of yourself and in your world! Drawing on the work of Sandra Ingerman, and others, you will learn the art of transforming your way of being in the world and in so doing becoming a conscious co-creator — living your full, miraculous potential! You will have opportunities to work both individually and collectively to create real measurable change in your environment.
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Feeling gratitude produces the most powerful vibrations to support manifestation. In this workshop, you will learn a way to make your gratitude more tangible! A despacho is an experiential ceremony of gratitude used by the people of the high Andes of Peru. It is a beautiful and sometimes elaborate offering that may either be burned or buried. These offerings are done to celebrate achievements, petition the spirits for help, to manifest something in one’s life and to stay in the state of ayni, the state of sacred reciprocity, with our beautiful Earth — Pachamamma.
During this workshop, you will learn how to make your own despacho and learn how to tailor one for any special occasion. You’ll also use flowers, candy, perfume, beans, and other simple objects, to create a despacho filled with our collective prayers of gratitude. Participants will have an opportunity to make personal prayers as well as receive a healing from a finished despacho.
No previous experience is necessary.
Interested in this program?
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Learn how to work with the incredible powers of the Old Ones — ancient, Earth spirits who enliven and protect the land. People have called them by many different names — fairies, devas, elves, brownies, green men — but these spirits have existed far longer than humans and our definitions. Since these spirits and forces are so integral to manifestation on this plane, you will learn how you can enter into and develop relationships with them. Working with them can support you on your path of dreaming a new way of being into reality.
(Bring a hot glue gun, paint, twigs, feathers and silk leaves to decorate your own nature spirit mask, too!)
Prerequisite: Working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process.
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
Opportunities to experience shamanic wisdom, ceremony or celebration–most have no prerequisite!
AN EVENING WITH GRANDMA
Spend an evening in the presence of a warm and loving spirit! Everyone who has experienced this wonderful spirit’s wisdom can attest, these channeled exchanges are extraordinary! There is something about how Grandma speaks … how she chooses her words…that makes us feel at ease. She teaches with a gentle humor and reaches those places in our hearts that can give us deep peace. Bring an open mind, your questions, a notebook and join us for a delightful experience!
No prerequisite.
Note: The Audio & Video section of this site offers links to previously recorded Grandma messages!
The Peruvian Whistling Vessels are powerful shamanic instruments that are used to assist you to moving beyond this reality. The extraordinary vibrations produced by the pottery vessels encourage an expanded state of consciousness offering a slightly different approach to the shamanic journey and the sounds of the vessels themselves have profound healing properties. In the curanderisimo tradition of the Peruvian North Coast, the Whistling Vessels or huaco silbadors are used by the curanderos and curanderas to call in the spirits for protection and/or healing.
Individually they seem quite shrill, however, when played in a group they produce complex harmonics and vibrations that seem to occur both inside as well as outside of your body. These internally experienced sounds are what is most remarked upon by participants. Some say that they continue to hear the vibrations in their minds and bodies for several days after the initial experience.
Shamanic journeys may be taken while the vessels are producing sounds and may also be embarked upon in the sacred silence that follows the vessels’ work.
No prerequisite, however a working knowledge of the Shamanic Journey Process is beneficial.
This participatory, Andean ceremony is a way to thank the Earth — Pachamamma — for her many blessings and make prayers to her for what is yet to come!
Ayni is the state of reciprocity — in other worlds– giving to Pachamamma in order to create balance for all that you are given. The despacho ceremony is a beautiful, elaborate and communal way of creating this offering.
Please bring: three red carnations and two white carnations, paper confetti and some candy. Also bring a rattle and/or drum if you have one. Scent sensitive individuals please take note: a perfume made from rum, orange, clove and lavender is used as a part of this ceremony.
No prerequisite.
SPIRIT PASSAGES CRAFT PROGRAMS
Creating your own sacred objects is powerful and fun!
No previous craft experience is required.
Want to bring the vital force of spirit closer to you? When you give spiritual energies and harmonious vibrations a physical way to exist in this reality, they become more tangible. Once manifested in this manner, they can support your daily life and augment your shamanic power.
Whether it provides a receptacle for an energy you want to bring into your life, honors a healing spirit or offers protection–these shamanic figures offers a way to step more fully into relationship with the intangible. They become embodied touchstones that connect you to invisible sources of strength and potency.
Guest instructor, Trudy Sloan will be facilitating this workshop along with with Evelyn and Allie. Working with parts Trudy has prepared for you in advance, you will assemble, decorate, empower and work with your own spirit figure.
No previous craft experience is necessary!
Interested in this program?
Check the CALENDAR for the next available date.
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to create your own rawhide frame drum. Please note. Early registration is required so that all the necessary materials will be available for your drum.
No previous craft experience is necessary!
In this workshop you will have the opportunity to create your own rawhide rattle. A list of materials you need for this class will be sent upon registration.
No previous craft experience is necessary!
In the playful workshop, you will create a fabulous mask of a transcendent nature being such as the Greenman! These masks are easy to make, very comfortable to wear and are just the thing to don at outdoor festivals, dances, ecological events, for a solstice celebration or just to lovingly honor your interconnectedness with the nature spirits and faerie realms! A list of materials you need for this class will be sent upon registration.
No previous craft experience is necessary!