Evelyn & Allie

Allie and Evelyn Drumming at Maine Audubon

with Sandra Ingerman in Santa Fe
Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of the books, Spirit Walking: A Course in Shamanic Power (RedWheel/Weiser 2013), Modern Shamanic Living, and a contributor to Spirited Medicine: Shamanism in Contemporary Healthcare; and C. Allie Knowlton, MSW, DCSW are committed to help you increase your personal power, feel your intrinsic sacredness and expand your connections to All That Is. Their extensive experience insures you of safe shamanic healing encounters, as well as opportunities to train in shamanism with confidence. “We help you to: Heal your Past, Enrich your Present and Envision your Future!”

Allie and Evelyn enjoying a good time with Tuvan shaman, AiChurek
They have dedicated their lives to the Earth-centered, visionary ways of the shaman and were included in Traveling Between the Worlds, a book of interviews with twenty four of the most influential teachers and writers of shamanism. They are internationally recognized presenters, teaching workshops on ecospirituality, the shamanic journey process and advanced shamanic methods across the United States and Canada since 1991.
Evelyn and Allie have trained with Michael Harner, Ph.D. and Sandra Ingerman, LMFT, LPCC and are graduates of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Second East Coast Three-Year Program, as well as Sandra’s Medicine for the Earth and shamanic teacher trainings. They have also been very fortunate to study with many indigenous shamans including Fredy “Puma” Quispe Singona of Peru, AiChurek, the renowned shaman from Tuva, Bhola N. Banstola of Nepal, and the last male Ulchi shaman, Grandfather Mikhail “Misha” Duvan, to name just a few.

Evelyn and Allie with their friend Nepalese shaman, Bhola Banstola
As founding members of True North, a unique, integrated medical center in Falmouth, Maine–they collaborated with physicians, nurses, a psychiatrist, a naturopath and complementary health practitioners for over 15 years to provide a new model of health care that includes the Spirit.
“Just had a life-altering soul retrieval session with Evie and Allie!!! These are powerful beings of love and higher consciousness. I can’t recommend them highly enough! As educators, healers and vibrational alchemists they ROCK. Book your session soon…you will not be disappointed.” -Courtney A. Walsh
“AMAZING. I thought those two women were absolutely amazing, and when I told someone close of my experience, we both found that the shamanic journey answered some of our oldest questions. I also told one of my closest friends about it, and we spent another hour or two trying to retrace the steps that I was shown in order for her to experience something similar as well. She was in awe and almost in tears. Thank you so much . . ..” –STUDENT AT USM

Evelyn with last male shaman of the Ulchi people, Grandfather “Misha” Duvan

Allie and Evelyn with their young friend Fredy “Puma” Quispe Singona