Shamanic Journeying

Learning to work with your power animals and helping spirits 

Shamanic journeying is a practical problem solving method that involves learning  to expand your awareness into the unseen worlds of spirit. The shamanic journey offers you experiences that can help awaken your full potential and promote wholeness. In learning the shamanic journey method, you will learn to safely travel between ordinary reality and the non-ordinary realms of the Upper, Middle and Lower worlds.

During these journeys you will be listening to drumming. This “sonic driving” technique allows you to more easily shift your awareness into the spiritual realms. Once you are there, you will be guided to work with your power animals and your compassionate, helping spirits. By asking questions and receiving their insights, you will gain resources that you can utilize in your everyday life. Shamanic journeying is an empowering way to begin or renew a conscious relationship with Spirit and your own soul’s gifts as well as strengthen the power of your intuition.

To book your session, please call our appointment line: 207-714-0111.

Please note: To better serve our clients around the world, all of our sessions are done remotely through Skype and Zoom.

Shamanic healing services offered by Spirit Passages ››››
What is a shamanic healing session like? ››